The compliance certificate ISO/IEC 27001

VMF LATVIA implemented and certified an information security management system, in accordance with the standard ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection – Information security management systems – Requirements, in the field of activity "Measurement of timber, solid biofuel sampling and phisical testing".


Guidelines for the introduction of electronic document circulation in wood cargo transportation

The replacement of paper documents with electronic documents on a European scale, including in wood cargo transportation, is already actively underway with a deadline for the development of the circulation system until 2025. In order to ensure and support the introduction of electronic document circulation in wood cargo transportation in Latvia, leading industry organizations have developed guidelines and started implementing a pilot project.

Guidelines are available here (in Latvian).



To ensure effective and sustainable timber measurement service and its sustainable availability at the level of aims jointly defined by the timber purchasers and the sellers

To persistently increase credibility of the timber measurement and accounting services by improving protection of information and maintaining high loyalty requirements for the staff

To use profit from timber measurement and accounting services to strengthen their availability in long-term perspective and investment in development

To increase the volume of timber measurement services in the Baltic region


Apaļkoksne pārvietojas ar elektronisko dokumentu

Lai paaugstinātu darba efektivitāti, ir digitalizēti procesi no krautuves mežā līdz koksnes pārstrādei, perspektīvā šajā sistēmā tiks ietverts posms no harvestera līdz kokmateriālu noliktavai pie ceļa.
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